A site dedicated to helping people get connected with their roots! All you have to do is start looking!




Please consider donating to Giving Tree Genealogy using the PayPal Donate Button.

I love helping people with Genealogy free of charge, however it is a costly and time consuming hobby.

I hope to improve my Genealogy Resources/Websites to help people have better access to their family tree's history.

Any financial help would be most greatfully appreciated, and 100% of donations will be used to further Genealogy

Interests for me and of others I wish to continue helping find their family's ancestry!

Thank you so much for your consideration!


Surnames of Interest:


Baldridge, Boysel, Burton, Cossin, Davis, Duff, Giles, Goodman, Hall, Hill, Hood, Hughes, Hunter, Hutchison, Karow, Lind, Manning, Messer, Nagle, Ooten, Parrott, Poling, Smith, Stone, Thomas, Vernon, Watzek, Wingate, Withrow, Young.



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