Welcome To:

The Sherber Family Genealogy Homepage

We are hoping to fill in our Family tree with the help
of those who know of, or are connected to our family.

The Main Surnames we are researching are:

Other Surnames within these lines are:

Bell / Berry / Cameron / Camp / Campbell / Casey / Clarke / Currie / Fraser / Gillis / Heide / Josey / Joyce / Lyons / MacDougall / MacEachern / MacFarlane / MacGillivray / MacInnes / MacIntyre / MacIsaac / MacKenzie / MacKinnon / MacNeil (Brown) / MacRae / Matterson / McKaffrey / McPhail / Newcombe / Newbury / Phelan / Piercey / Rafuse / Stanway

You will find all the information we know on each of our
ancestral lines is listed on the page links below.

We started our research with a long list of names, very few dates and locations. Most of our Chisholm & MacDonald Ancestors arrived from Scotland to Antigonish, Nova Scotia around 1800. Some settled in and around the Malignant Cove and Maryvale, Antigonish areas. Others went on to other locations including the U.S.A.

It has been slow, but we will keep updating all information as we find it.

Information received from a source in Florida and Massachusetts has shed new light on our "SHERBER" surname.

We now have information that the original spelling of our Surname was changed from "SCIABA" to "SHERBER" and "SHERBA". Check out our Sherber page for more information. We'll update it with any new information we find or receive. If you can help please contact us,
thank you.

Be sure to read our archived guestbook entries. Many people have posted information about their families that could help you find your connection.


Be Sure to take a few minutes to sign our Guestbook.
We enjoy hearing from all of you, and even if you do not
find a connection to our family, please feel free to post
information on the family you are researching in our guestbook.
You never know who might be visiting our site that may have the
answers you are looking for.

We hope you will find our site helpful,
another way to find the information you are seeking is to:


We look forward to hearing from long lost family members.

If you find a connection to our family, or have any
information that can help fill in our family tree, please contact us.

Thank you,
Michael & Geraldine Sherber

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